Quest NPC setup

Enabling quest giving NPCs

By default, players will be able to play all available quests through a special menu. To open it they need to click on the MQS icon in the context menu or type /mqs chat command. You can change it to an NPC which will give player quests. To do that go to the Settings tab inside Administration Menu, open Server settings, and turn on Enable quest NPCs option.


After you enable this option, you can start creating quest-giving NPCs.

Creating an NPC

To create an NPC enter the NPC Editor tab and click on the New NPC button. In the popup menu, you can set all basic settings for the NPC. Here is some information about them:


The NPC name - which will be displayed above the NPC and inside the dialogue menu.



NPC model path - gust copy path to the NPC from the Q menu of from the entity in front of you if you by pressing the Copy from looking entity button.

Note: If the NPC stands in a T-pose please use the Set Animation option to set a custom animation.

Set Animation

Yere you can choose all available animations for the NPC model that you can use instead of the default standing animation. NPC preview model will change animations as you select it in the list.

NPC speech

This is a text that will be shown to the player if he can play at least one of the quests assigned to the NPC.

Player's positive answer

Anwer the player will choose to open the list of the quests he can play

Player's negative answer

Anwer the player will choose to close the dialog menu

NPC speech if no quests

This is a text that will be shown to the player if he can't play any of the quests assigned to the NPC.

Player's answer if no quests

Anwer the player will choose to close the dialog menu if he can't play any of the quests assigned to the NPC.

Spawn position

Spawn position for the NPC. It Will affect only the current map, if you use multiple maps you will need to edit NPC on the other map and assign a new position to him. Position can be set to your local position, aiming position on copy position from the entity you are looking at.

Assigning quest to an NPC

After you created your NPC it will spawn in 5 seconds. To assign a quest to it, go to the Quests tab, edit the quest you want to assign to the NPC and, enter Main options and at the end of the list, you will see Link quest to an NPC button. The button will open a dropdown menu containing all NPCs available on the map. Choose one of them and save the edited quest. After that, players can talk to the NPC and play the quest if it is available to them.
